*Required Fields
If other please specify:
*Post Code:
*Please enter at least one telephone number:
*E-mail Address:
*Confirm E-mail Address:
Do you have any offences that are currently unspent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
If yes, please give details including dates (You do not need to disclose anything that is deemed spent).
Limit of 250 characters
The following questions help us to ensure we assign relevant and credible work for
Regional accent (e.g Northern, Welsh, Irish, etc.):
Do you have a valid driving license?
I can drive
Do you have a valid motorcycle license?
Motorcycle experience
Do you wear any of the following
Are you a Sky customer?
How far would you be willing to travel? (approx. mileage from home address)
Would someone you know be willing to accompany you on certain visits? (e.g. partner,
family member, friend, etc.)
*Please tick the positions you wish to apply for.
Video Mystery Shopper
Report-based Mystery
Audio Mystery Shopper
Telephone Mystery
Shopper/Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Social Media Mystery
*Have you had any previous mystery shopping experience?
Please describe in further detail your experience with mystery shopping including
things such as the format of mystery shopping, the types of organisations/sectors
you've mystery shopped, and the approx. number of assignments you've completed.
Limit of 1000 characters
*Do you possess your own covert recording kit?
*Which DVR/unit do you own?
*Which camera do you own?
If other, please detail below.
Limit of 100 characters
Please explain why you would like to work for Performance in People and add any
additional information you feel may be relevant to your application.
Limit of 2000 characters
*How did you hear about us?
If other, Please specify
Limit of 50 characters
Before submitting your application please ensure that you have completed all the
information as detailed as you can.